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Round Table “Study abroad, why participate in student exchange programs or study abroad?”

Erasmus coordinator with incoming and outgoing, students and staff promoted the mobility project and presented its positive results to the general public in a Round Table “Study abroad, why participate in student exchange programs or study abroad?” that took place during the University Week.

Posted in Incoming staff, Incoming students, Others, Outgoing staff, Outgoing students.

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Guests from Azerbaijan

After meeting…






Posted in Incoming staff, Others.

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Meeting with INFINITY Executive Coordinator

Posted in Incoming staff, Incoming students, Others.

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Falifornia! Goodbye..

...and gaining weightSince January me and my production team have been working on a film project. When you start once you see no end. Film is still not completely finished even if we had a glamorous premiere in universities cinema. However, when filming and main editing part was over we went exercise our muscles, each one in one’s own way.

We want so much so all the time. Housemate Alina is the best cook ever! And also when Hussain starts showing his Pakistan food tricks.. I guarantee you that student food can be so much better than any restaurant.


Beaches around Cornwall…

Beaches around Cornwall

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Life in Falmouth

L1001418purpleIts definitely fun. The town is so very vibrant that it would be absurd not to fall in love… The weather is bad but you get used to it. English organization is so very good that when you need something you will not spend much time searching for it and the help responsible people offer you is really helpful. We even got Black Magic Cameras on uni (We filmed the short film with it, I forgot to mention). That’s just an extra next to all the other amazing stuff they offer here.

Posted in Outgoing students.

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