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Tutti fruity of Berlin subway


Berlin is a crazy (but charming) city.

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My Private Wardrobe

Video o Kyri. Kyra je zbiralka vitage oblacil, ki jih lahko kupite na THE WARDROBE · NIGHT FLEE MARKET.

THE WARDROBE je dogodek, ki se zgodi vsako prvo soboto v mesecu v PLATOON KUNSTHALLE BERLIN.

link do videa – MY PRIVATE WARDROBE – KYRA

lp, Mica

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PLATOON KUNSTHALLE 2012 – link do videa.

Lp, Mica

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Plugz – umetnik iz Platoona

PLUGZ – link do videa.

Born in 1976 in Bordeaux, to a French father and an English mother very quickly Philippe Ravailhe became exposed to a combination of exciting cultures. after living in Manhattan and Toronto, he studied at St Martin’s School of Arts, London before continuing his studies at Les Beaux Arts de Toulouse. he focuses on developing a new artistic style through the actual storytelling & inspiration of individuals lives.

Plugz is a simplified robot head that repeats itself to infinity, like those message that start off small but turn out everywhere. the visual creation represents the human pathway between man and robots transmitting & infecting messages with emotions from a source of anger-secrecy-love-intimacy-history-greed-virutality-art-passion-war-indulgence-addiction-family-idealism-creativity. Plugz is simply about plugging people into their emotions and spreading this through society.

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Lisbona je glavno in hkrati največje mesto Portugalske s svojim predmestjem in skupno okrog tremi milijoni prebivalcev, na prišleka gotovo pusti lep vtis. Je eno najstarejših mest v Evropi in ostala večja mesta, kot so London, Rim, po starosti poseka za par sto let. Star del mesta je izredno lep in zelo prijeten za hojo po bolj ali manj znanih turističnih atrakcijah. Center in večino stvari, ki se jih lahko vidi v centru lahko obhodimo v enem dnevu. Prav tako ima mesto zelo dobro urejen metro, tramvaj in avtobuse. Cena za le te pa tudi ni pretirana.

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