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Portugalska jug

Pa povejmo nekaj o jugu Portugalske. Meni osebno jug ni preveč zanimiv. V poletnih časih je PRECEJ bolj obljuden kot osrednji ali severni del. Plaže so večinoma peščene, a brez fascinantnih valov. Večja mesta kot recimo Faro so zanimiva, a industrijska. Kogar zanima »big game« fishing, torej ribolov na mečarice in morske pse, je tukaj eno boljših mest našega planeta. A omeniti velja, da je jug turističen, torej morate pogosto za dostop do kakega otočka (Tavira) plačati prevoz z ladjico- ki sicer ni drag. Najem kajakov in podobne ideje so dražje kot pri nas. Okoli Portimao in Lagosa so zelo lepe plaže s kamenimi klifi, vredno ogleda!

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Posted in Outgoing students.

Oh this crazy Portugal

So in my last post I said that I decided to stay in Portugal for sure. Well, I changed my mind again. I had this crysis again and there are so many things that bother me just simply too much and I kind of can’t take it anymore. I decided to go home and not to stay here for the second semester. I mean, I love the nature, I love to travel around, I love to meet new people and so on, but that’s not enough.
I came here to make some progress, to learn new things, I really wanted to work… Well I did take a lot of photos and I just love some of them, but when it comes to progress at school I just don’t think I made any. For my opinion the classes I had were just too easy and the professors just didn’t pay any attention to Erasmus students. I mean, they did, but not enough. Most of the time we were just sitting there doing nothing, then we got about 10 minutes of attention. It would be so much easier if we would talk to the professors at the begining of class and then we could go home or something. Just being there for so much time for nothing is really throwing away time.
But it’s not just at school. Everywhere you go, you always have to wait and wait and wait, everything is in slow motion. It just drives me crazy sometimes. =) I’m not used to it. Oh and the weather! Lately it’s really crazy, windy, cloudy, rainy, sunny… Everything at the same time! We had some extreme wind last weekend and there was a red alert over the country. There was a lot of damage and many trees fell down… So weather isn’t helping with good mood very much… =)
I’m going home in February and now I really can’t wait. Overall this was an amazing experience, I loved it, I’m glad that I went. But now it’s just enough for me. =) This is just not the lifestyle that would suit me. =) I’ll write more about it in my next blog post, but for now you can read more about it on my blog.

My shadow on a beach, when the weather was fine for half of a day... =)

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Impressions of Berlin

When You Fall For a City

It was the last day of October 2010, when we first met. I flew in to attend some workshops. I stayed for three weeks and fell in love. The city is old and has low buildings with broken windows. Many of them seem as if they were abandoned. There is nothing fancy about it. The people are nothing special and it’s windy most of the time. The first impression does not convince you. But then, when you are walking down one of the streets, you suddenly realize that they are stone flagged and it hits you and you see. There is graffiti on almost every building and is coloring the city. On these small cozy streets there are small cozy bars and places with good music and funny names like MAMA or SCHWARZER. When you enter one of the buildings that seem as if they were about to fall apart you find out that they are actually cared of pretty well and you realize that nothing is what it seems.

I returned again the same year in the last days of December to spend New Years. The city is cheap, the rents are reasonable and the food is not even nearly as expensive as in Ljubljana. People are simple, kind, smart and young. They all speak English. The public transportation is cheap, easy, fast and diverse. There is not a lot of traffic and the criminal rate is very low. It makes you feel safe and excepted. It makes you feel at home.

I came back last year again for New Years. Every time I come I am amazed by it and I like it even more. Everything in this city is connected to art in some way. It is like coming to an old artist with big, warm, cozy arms to run into and with a lot of wisdom to learn from. I always get inspired here, and here is where I feel free. So one day when I was sitting on one of the benches and I was looking at Spree that was running around an island of museums, wrapping and protecting it, and the wind was blowing through my hair as if it was inviting me to dance with it, I finally decided. The city keeps me coming back. It is like having an affair and every time I come, I fall in love a little bit more. I have to keep coming back. It makes me feel alive and satisfied. And I will be coming back until one day I stay, for good.

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I love it.

Hello my dear friends.

The year came around and it is time for new starts. I wish you all the best!

November and December were really good. I had some free days and wanted to get to know the culture, food, landscape,… well everything there is to know about Portugal. I took the advantage of the travel and made it a school project so I took a great amount of pictures for the class.

Otherwise, the exams are getting closer and I have to finish all my projects, so I am working really hard, to do the best I can. In February I am returning home with a great Erasmus experience. You should definitely try it!

and here is my site for pictures

Have a good one  : )

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