I will take you trough the production of the short film ‘Can We Talk’ which we did for one of the modules in second semester. I dont get graded for this module, but this is the answer on why I study film – it is the best thing you can do in your free time and its the best reason to postpone other. So, I was working on the film as a Producer. In first month we had about 5 castings with 30 potential actors. We needed a couple, girl and a boy. The story is based in a coffee shop where the couple discusses what is their next move – one wants to end the relationship while another wants to push it on. The goal of the production was to build good relationship between crew and cast members, to gather the finance (we raised 700 pounds), to get the location, to feed the actors and crew.. and to create real film family.
After 4 months of pre-šproduction the filming started. We needed 14 hours to film it all, that was two evenings from 19:00 – 2:00 of constant work. But that was the easy part, it always is. We had the luck that we got REALLY god amateur actress, Emma and professional actor and Gucci model Luke. Alex (on the right next to the camera), director of the film and I had rehersals with actors up to 3 times per week (minimum 2), so on the set we all knew the dialogue by heart. We didn’t even had the script on st, what doesn’t happen often if ever. Especially on 10 minute dialogue piece.
Colour palette and poster. The artistic decisions were let to me and Jonny (blonde guy standing next to me on the first photo), who is also genius with editing.
This is the first try of the colour contrasts from rehersals
And first colour
correction from
the location.
B e a utiful.