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Film making abroad

I arrived in Portugal in September, the weather was so nice and going to the beach was still enjoyable. Caldas da Rainha is a small town, one hour away from Lisbon, it’s cute and quiet. The town had many hidden jams, and a strong artistic soul. And this is what I immediately loved about it.
During my mobility time here I got the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weather, learn some of the language and expecially make art, be creative. The perk of if was expecially to learn their own singular way to view art. At the school I had the opportunity to pick any subject and class, and I’ve tried to many different ones. I expecially enjoyed stepping outside my comfort zone. I’ve tried teather, drawing, ceramics. But the main reason I came here is my Film studies. Filming short movies here was everytime so fun and taughtful! Having an international crew, with also so many other Erasmus students was a great opportunity where everyboy I think learned a lot from. And every and each other new activity I have tried have for sure added knowledge to my film studies and taught me new ways to approach to it! So thanks to Portugal to be a warm and sunny country, that makes possible filming outside any time of the year!

Anna Loi

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Spain internship Valencia – Barcelona

I spend the winter working for Xceed company as a photographer and videomaker. The company works through a phone app – Xceed and making video and photo material for its promotion was quite an interesting challenge! I was happy to work with other interns and together we created nice visual products – two amazing advertisement videos. I also spent few days walking around Barcelona making interviews for the youtube company channel with random people, which was very interesting and later realized most of the people were not even Spanish. I got access to record in one of most famous clubs in Barcelona, where only a few people have rights to record or take photos and that was very awesome too. Basically, I spend almost majority of my working hours discovering the city and recording it and I think this is the best way to really get the feeling of a foreign place, culture, and people. While working on projects in Barcelona, I was also living in Valencia. This was actually a good idea, because its much warmer and calmer city, with not so many tourists and propaganda, it really feels more natural, relaxed and unique. Even the long rides from one city to another didn’t influence me wishing to stay in only one place. I love Spain by its visual beauty, a very human attitude to things and other people. I would love to return!

Teotim Logar

Posted in Outgoing students.

Working in Santiago de Compostela

I work as a young researcher in the field of Astroparticle physics for the Pierre Auger Observatory collaboration. This year, thanks to the E+ mobility, I had the possibility to work for 2 months with the Spanish Auger group of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

Concerning my research, I can say that this time in USC made a huge difference, even beyond my expectations! I worked with really expert and qualified people who really wish to share their knowledge and truly support the student. Daily my supervisor checked my progress and always helped me if I had concerns. The people of the group were happy to involve me in discussions but they never had been intrusive. If I could, I would immediately return there for at least one year.

My impression of Santiago is that it is a very calm and safe city, but, at the same time, it is always full of life. The magnificent Cathedral of Santiago is the the final stop of the “Camino de Santiago” pilgrimage and the medieval stone streets of the old town are usually full of pilgrims from all over the world. Also Santiago surroundings are very beautiful, the coastline is stunning and the Celtic atmosphere is everywhere. And, of course, seafood in “tapas” bars is excellent.  

Marta Trini


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My Amsterdam adventure as an Intern

This is the summary of my experience being an Intern at the Vrije University of Amsterdam, department of environmental studies (IVM).

My adventure started in Villach from where  I departed with the train. The whole trip was 12 hours long, when I arrived to the main train station of Amsterdam, where my menthor and now a close friend Žiga met me.

I stayed at his flat for two months and a half.

In the time of me doing my stuff (e.g. preparing data and learning a new spatial model called DynaCLUE for my Bachelor thesis), I also visited some amazing places in Amsterdam itself and also outside of it.

I met a lot of new friends from different countries, who also helped me a lot when I was doing my internship.

When I thoroughly acclimatised myself to the a bit special and fickle Amsterdam weather, my Erasmus+ adventure has come to an close end. I departed from Amsterdam Schiphol airport and arrived to Ljubljana on 7. of December.

It was an amazing experience, that I truly recommend to anybody to try it out.

Klemen Cotič

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Astronomical Warsaw

This is my first (and probably last, but you never know) blog since my 2 moths Erasmus+ has already ended. Because of that I have decided on writing short summary of my life in Poland and how I got there.

It all started when last year I’ve decided to continue with my master study at School of Science in topic of Astrophysics. Already in my first year I had to choose a supervisor for my thesis and I think it is safe to say I couldn’t be happier with the choice I made. Not only is she one of the best astrophysicist in Slovenia from whom I’ve learned a lot (and still am) she also introduced me to my mentor in Poland. We all decided that they will both be my supervisors for master thesis and that the best way for me to visit Warsaw and actually work there was with Erasmus+.
I always wanted to try Erasmus but somehow until now I never got a chance so I was really happy when I found out that I will be able to be a part of it.

In the blink of an eye it was September, start of my Erasmus+. I can not properly describe my first feelings and thoughts when I arrived to Poland. It was a mixture of anticipations, amazements, excitement, combined with panic attack 🙂 luckily the last faded (at least to some extend) the moment I met my new roommates and later at the end of my first day of work at Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory.

I spent the majority of my time there working which for most people may seem humdrum but for me it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. I was working with great group of people who really made me feel accepted. Daily I analyzed data from satellite Gaia and Polish telescope OGLE and every day there was something new to discover, something new to learn. In astronomy you really can not know when you will discovered something new. And I did 🙂 not the things that I wanted but still.

During the weekends I ether explored Warsaw (which is of course huge and full of surprises) or traveled to other Polish towns such as Gdansk, Krakow…

That is all for now, next ones will be more Warsaw oriented. Nada

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