I was lucky to visit the University of Creete for the CreteLing summer school. It is a linguistic summer school where well-known scholars teach classes for two weeks. There were introductory and advanced-level classes. For example, in my custom schedule, I combined an introductory neurolinguistics class, the science about mapping language functions onto the brain areas, and an advanced morphology class, the subfield of linguistics focusing on the meaningful components of words.
It was a nice opportunity to know more outstanding people in my field both students and professors from all over the world. The bonding went smoothly because we could share the meals and nice summer views of Crete, its gorgeous hills and sea. Now I have people from different countries with whom I can discuss linguistics and have a good laugh.
Students also could present their works during the poster session. I participated in this activity and received a lot of useful feedback. Now I feel ready to present my work at real big conferences, I became much more confident and inspired after the summer school poster session.