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Tag Archives: Erasmus študentje

  1. Lizbona May 23, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  2. Festival Indie Lisboa 2013 April 30, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  3. Internet? Maybe next week! April 5, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  4. Bye bye Portugal February 25, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  5. So long. February 17, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  6. Oh this crazy Portugal January 25, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  7. Living in Portugal January 5, 2013

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  8. So the autumn started… November 21, 2012

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  9. A girl in Portugal November 4, 2012

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  10. First month in Portugal October 29, 2012

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  11. Praga October 4, 2010

    Posted in Outgoing students.

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  12. Še en pozdravček iz Turčije :) June 8, 2010

    Posted in Outgoing students.

    rev="post-395" 1 comment