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‘Je vsejen, sej si na morju …’

Pred časom me je na izmenjavi obiskala dolgoletna prijateljica in me dokončno prisila v brezskrbno šnoflanje po Benetkah (pod močnim vplivom obiska bom uporabljala izrazoslovje tistega sončnega dne … prevodi niso dosegljivi, a so pomeni dokaj dostopni preko konteksta). Načrt je bil jasen: študentsko bluzenje (študentsko, ker nismo imele dinarčkov za kakršne koli vstopnine, bluzenje, ker pri potepu nismo uporabljale turističnih vodnikov, z mojim poznavanjem mesta pa si ne pač ne gre pomagati, ker se pogosto izgubim še v domači kopalnici …). In kot vsako dobro bluzenje se je tudi to začelo z izjemnimi količinami kave. In kot vemo, Italija je ‘the place to be’ za vse ljubitelje pravega kofetkanja. In kava v Benetkah ni nujno draga, samo pravo lokacijo je potrebno poiskati – po nekaj mesecih izmenjave sem se naučila, kje ta mesta so (resno, uspeh zame). Po kavici in obdelavi vseh čvek iz domače Štajerske sva se dokončno odlepili iz s soncem obsijanega trga in se odpravili do vseh turističnih znamenitosti. Peš. Ker študentje pač ne bomo uporabljali vaporetta (tj. vodnega avtobusa). In sledile so vse tipične turistične znamenitosti. Zlili sva se v množico nemških, ruskih, ameriških, japonskih … turistov in jokcale in stokcale nad čudovitim sončnim dnem (in izjemno dragimi trgovinami z modnimi znamkami, ki navadnim smrtnikom pač niso dosegljive).

Kar sledi je nekaj fotografij tistega lepega dne, ki bodo povedale mnogo več, kot so moji kofeina polni možgani sposobni narekovati mojim prepočasnim prstom …

Pa da ne pozabim … Avtor fotografij v veliki večini nisem jaz, pač pa moja obiskovalka. Vraga, še fotoaparat ni bil moj, pač pa sposojen … Ampak imam njeno dovoljenje (recimo …) in upam, da niso kršene kakšne avtorske pravice. A je kul, A.? Nde da je? Kul. Kul, kul, kul …

In kot je vedno napisano na razglednicah:


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When I decided to move to Portugal last month I didn’t even know where I was going. The truth is I just wanted to get away from Ljubljana. I wanted to go somewhere, anywhere just as long as I made some changes in my life. So I joined the Erasmus exchange program offered at my school (VŠU) and went to study in Caldas da Rainha at ESAD. This is what I have to say after a month of being here.

My bed is small, a little too short and a little too narrow as well, but terribly cute. If my legs are not hanging out in the bottom then my head is pressing against the wall at the top. Whenever I turn around I must be careful not to fall off. Nevertheless I like it. The Dream room where I sleep is small as well, containing only the bed and a light. It’s simple, white and cozy. The double doors leading out are the only source of natural light. When you open them you are looking at the Chill-out room. It is white as well but bigger and much, much lighter. In this room there is only a carpet, coffee table and some cushions. From here you can either go into the Imagine-room, meant for studying, or you can go to the balcony. The balcony or the so-called View room is the smallest in the apartment but has a view so great that it makes up for any lack in space. Imagine how good it feels when you open the doors in the morning, still in your PJs and with hot steaming coffee in your hands. The fresh wind comes and hugs you and the sounds from the street enter yours ears. The sun softly strokes your face while you drink your coffee and enjoy the colors of the fruit market below. In Portugal everything starts a little later and ends a little later as well, so the market is open until three in the afternoon every day. You don’t need to get up early to get some fresh breakfast. Even the jobs usually start later. It’s not at all unusual if you don’t meet anyone out on the streets before nine in the morning or if you get an invitation for coffee at eleven at night. Time runs differently here.

Caldas da Rainha is a small town. Just like my bed, not completely fitting but cute and cozy. In the middle there is a park. A park I fell in love with. Giant portals guard its entrance and are closed overnight. When you enter, on your left a great palace rises to greet you. Now this is a thermal hospital with a museum but in the old days it was the queen’s spa. This is where the name of the town comes from. Next to the palace there is a little lake with a tiny isle in the middle, covered with swans and pigeons and green all around. The park is full but never crowded. Older people usually sit on the benches while the youth lays around on the grass. In the café in the park you most likely have to wait for the table but when you get one and you order a galão and pastel de nata, all that is forgotten. Suddenly you have everything you need right there.


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packing your life into a suitcase

Finding myself here on the edge of Europe, with everything I own in a couple of suitcases, has compelled me to do some soul searching.

Leaving home, some for the first time in our lives, we never fully realise the weight and monumental importance of the step we are about to make. High on the euphoria of all the new experiences that lie before us, we cannot yet truly appreciate what we are leaving behind as we take that first leap from the nest. Perhaps that is just as well, it certainly makes deciding to jump a little bit easier. As we settle in, wherever it is that we have flown off to and the days begin to take the shape of a routine, we begin to look back at where we have come from and realise just how far we have flown. Leaving home is not only leaving behind a place, a house and people that you love, it is packing your life into a suitcase, stepping out into the world and never knowing what you may find. To some this might seem scary, when in fact not knowing is actually the best part, after all life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door, you step into the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to. ” Bilbo Baggins 

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Pa spet nekaj o Benetkah …

Blog bi lahko tokrat nosil naslov ‘Moja pot v šolo’, saj vam prilagam nekaj fotografij iz  moje poti v šolo (presenečeni?). Ta običajno ni dolgočasna, saj mi jo popestrijo horde turistov, ki predstavljajo žive ovire na ulici (če nisi pozoren, se običajno spotakneš ob kakšnega nadobudnega fotografa, ki se je odločil, da bo poslikal svoje sopotnike v najbolj nemogočih pozah na najbolj nemogočih mestih, običajno pa sredi pločnika …). Vrhunec tega je seveda pust, ko se v Benetkah odvija sloviti karneval. V tem času je bolje enostavno slediti množici in upati, da vas pripelje tja, kjer si želite biti – iti proti toku je enostavno neizvedljivo.

Na fotografijah je nekaj jutranjih prizorov iz tistih Benetk, ki jih običajno ne vidite na potovalnih prospektih. Benetke namreč niso le Markov trg in most Rialto. Benetke so še mnogo več, zato je študentska izmenjava izjemna priložnost za raziskovanje skrivnega življenja Benečanov.


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