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January – May

TeamI will take you trough the production of the short film ‘Can We Talk’ which we did for one of the modules in second semester. I dont get graded for this module, but this is the answer on why I study film – it is the best thing you can do in your free time and its the best reason to postpone other. So, I was working on the film as a Producer. In first month we had about 5 castings with 30 potential actors. We needed a couple, girl and a boy. The story is based in a coffee shop where the couple discusses what is their next move – one wants to end the relationship while another wants to push it on. The goal of the production was to build good relationship between crew and cast members, to gather the finance (we raised 700 pounds), to get the location, to feed the actors and crew.. and to create real film family.

After 4 months of pre-šproduction the filming started. We needed 14 hours to film it all, that was two evenings from 19:00 – 2:00 of constant work. But that was the easy part, it always is. We had the luck that we got REALLY god amateur actress, Emma and professional actor and Gucci model Luke. Alex (on the right next to the camera), director of the film and I had rehersals with actors up to 3 times per week (minimum 2), so on the set we all knew the dialogue by heart. We didn’t even had the script on st, what doesn’t happen often if ever. Especially on 10 minute dialogue piece.


Colour palette and poster. The artistic decisions were let to me and Jonny (blonde guy standing next to me on the first photo), who is also genius with editing.

10003695_10152346415431703_4890260225473828599_oThis is the first try of the colour contrasts from rehersals

10012712_10152357959801703_913205336766318868_o And first colour
correction from
the location.

B e a utiful.

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January in Rotterdam

Copy-pasted from my own blog where I wrote most of the stuff… link bellow:


There’s a reason why you haven’t seen a new post in over a month. More of them, actually. The main one – or so I decided – is that my computer was on repair. Halfway through writing one it simply decided to quit cooperating. Froze up and declined to turn on for the rest of the week. Once I returned to Slovenia for the holidays I cleaned its internals off the dust and it worked. However, since the hinge broke, I had to have it repaired anyway. I only got it back after the whole month.

The second reason is that there was a shitload of work to do. Shit. Fucking. Load. And there still is. The semester is coming to an end, meaning I had to make a sprint through the project in order to finish them on time. Although I’m not entirely sure, I think I passed all the classes but one. The Practical Projects is the class that I failed to finish first exercise on time (not just in time but entirely), meaning I will have to re-do it. The due is in a week and a half, but I will take it much much easier, hoping it will be good enough to pass.

Frankly I don’t feel like summing up the entire month now. I also hardly believe anyone wants to know what was going on. And the ones who do, already know it. I can probably say that I’m getting more and more used to The Netherlands. Most people who moved here did tell me, that the first 4 months were the hardest and I guess I can confirm that. After my holiday visit in Slovenia, where I met my friends and family after that long time, the return wasn’t much of a big deal. Partially it might be due to the fact, that I knew there’s only about a month and a half left (now, probably just about 2 weeks); but on the other hand I also feel that I’m getting more used to the way people work uphere and I understand them better, but maybe also the people I meet on daily basis are more used to me. I guess in a year or so I could somewhat integrate into the way things work here in The Netherlands. But I don’t plan to, nor I want to.

Now if I think about the return. I somewhat started to think, how it will feel. How will people, who were used to seeing me on a daily or weekly basis feel about my return. It is most certain that things won’t be the same. Things tend to change from one week to another, much more in 5 or 6 months. People I didn’t interact much with before, probably won’t notice the difference that much. If I take my one week visit as a reference, not much seems to be changed… not them. But I can’t help to wonder, how did I change.

They say, that stuff like that changes you. People who returned from the exchange all told me, that it changes you. It’s a good thing to do, they told me. Now I don’t think I can say it was bad. It’s a remarkable experience, I think, that gets you ready for real life – or at least it helps. On the other hand, as we all know, that real life is also hard, and cold. I have heard people say, that it makes you grow up. My father says “the same way as we went to serve the army, now our kids go for the exchange..”, but what is the thing to point out here is, that people used to say that army changed boys into the men. So I guess that’s the catch here – you grow up. I’m not sure, whether I did, but if anything so far in my life, then this must be it. Which makes me sort of sad. I don’t want to become that grumpy, perpetually sad and complaining adult I keep on meeting all the time all around me.

Now that I mentioned that, Back to happy things: I finished most of the projects. After my exchange they will probably end up around the internet for you to see. Some cool things we made with my classmates, and I can’t wait to show them to you. However, now there are other things to be done, so stay tuned. And I will go back to work, to reanimate my one minute project.


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In December my computer crashed. Rotterdam report.

In December my computer hanged….however, here is a photo instead:

Here’s a walk cycle a teacher drew on the whiteboard. But I’m pretty sure you guessed that.


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Ik was in Rotterdam, hier is mijn report, maand drie

This, like two posts from before this one is also copy-pasted from my personal blog. Link bellow.


Last Friday was Playgrounds festival in Amsterdam. We were supposed to be there at 9.30 in the morning, but I can tell you, at 8.30 I was already wide awake on the train, admiring the rising sun on the horizon and watching the fields through the tiny window, while traveling at 160 kilometres per hour.

It all started about 45 minutes before. I just received text from Marina that she and her sister will be late to the train and they are boarding the next one. I never traveled by train in the Netherlands, so I was still going to wait for them. And that’s where the fun started. This train station is much bigger than the one in Ljubljana, for example, so 10 minutes prior to the next departure we were looking for each-other, without luck. They already got the tickets when I still didn’t know where and how to buy them. “Where are you, Dex?!” “I finally found that ‘service station’ thing, and am waiting to buy a ticket…” and when I heard a distant “Fuck…” in reply I knew that’s not good. I did notice a machines in front, but I normally prefer human interaction when buying stuff like that – at least when I’m doing it first time – I figured… The next moment I noticed there’s a spot, and approached the counter. “I’d like to have a ticket for Amsterdam. Will I still catch the train at 8.25?” “Yes, just go to the platform 7.” That’s pretty interesting thing to hear, when the watch says it’s 8.23. I jumped through the first door on the train, and 20 seconds later we were moving. This is gonna be a good fucking day.

Nine artists/studios presented themselves during the day, some of them pretty damn famous. BUF, Polynoid, Psyop and Pixar would probably be considered the bigger players in the fields of animation. All of them were interesting in their own way. I loved how Julia Pott has a good sense for talking and explaining, it felt as she was talking exactly how she felt. Polynoid guys have their VFX skills above the clouds (at least for me), yet they seemed just like any of us during the presentation. On their slideshow, amongst the big achievements was a “bad ass coffee machine”! Moniker showed their cool internet mouse tracking project. I took part, backthen, it’s interesting thing. BUF was a little more official, but I still admired the footage they have shown. Then FIELD, I didn’t really know what to think of that, but they do have nice programming skills I think, though it wasn’t really my taste. Psyop guy was interesting, he looked like the biggest badass to me, but he seems to have good sense for emotions and feel. One of the most jaw dropping things came next, when some guys who make animatronics displayed their projects. I didn’t know much about this, but animatronics are basically robotic visual effects. They showed us how they made the head in the Prometheus, the one that explodes in the lab. Rex Crowle is the game maker, they make one cool game for PS Vita (or something), with really nice twist to it but I don’t remember the title. In the end, there was a lady from Pixar. She showed us nicely how Pixar works, but she seemed to have a cold so she had some problems talking. It happens. Still, if I had to chose my favourite presentation there I think I’d pick Polynoid or Psyop; because even though they are really really good at what they do, they seemed down to earth.

On the Monday, Roberto (another Erasmus schoolmate) and me went to take a look around the location of filming our trailer. It was cool experience, we walked around school finding interesting places. I was really impressed, and glad, that he seemed very excited about the project. I like that kind of people in my team. On Tuesday they presented us next assignment, which will be making a(nother) promo film. This is gonna be an interesting project. Everything I saw, seems to be exactly the opposite to how they want to present themselves. More or less… but the purpose is good. Now I just wonder what can we, the animation students do about it. In the evening there was a group of my Erasmus schoolmates and I asked them, if they feel like participating at the filming of the trailer. Many of them were in and I was impressed. For the last week I couldn’t get many people, but now in a single evening I got entire team. So it turns out, if you have a plan, people are more likely to be interested in. Gotta keep that in mind.

Anyway, this Monday, we’re filming the trailer. If everything goes by plan (that basically means nobody finds out the last moment that they can’t participate), it should go well. I’m looking forward to it. I like to change my mediums I work with every now  and then. So switching to Video after several months of being limited to Animation.

Apart from school… It happens every once in a while that here, in Rotterdam I really feel down. That happens after extended period of raining, and lack of sun. Just a few moments ago I told my friend “Now I finally know how you girls feel during the PMS. I want to die and I want to kill everyone and I want to cry and I don’t know what to do with myself.” I’m not sure if that goes for all of you, but she said that kind of sums it up. So if it happens that during that time we also suddenly have a lot of work to do for school I start to doubt if I will actually pass this exchange. But sometimes everything falls in place, and I feel very excited about everything.

So far this exchange is basically giving me what I came here for. The production kind  of knowledge and  experience. And it was doing it good.


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Second Month – van Rotterdam

This is the first week of second month in Rotterdam. It’s copied from my personal blog, where I was writing full report (before I knew I have to do it here). Enjoy… link to my blog bellow if anyone’s interested.


Yeah,  of course I’m 10 minutes late, I always am. Unless I’m right on time, there’s almost no way in between. About an hour later I realised that I’m not 10 minutes late, but actually 2 hours. After an hour or so I remembered that we got an e-mail, saying we start at 13.00 and that we are supposed to bring our demo reels with us, which I didn’t. Of course I didn’t, I always start like that. We only had this class for the second time, and atop of being 2 hours late I also failed to bring what I was supposed to. At least the rest of the day went a little better, the logo I made for another class turned out pretty good so the Monday itself wasn’t all failure. When I came home, I mostly modeled for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday a teacher showed me how to make UV maps in Maya. Pretty useful but I don’t think I remembered all of it. I asked him what does “UV mapping” stand for. He explained me “These are the coordinates, and since X, Y and Z are already taken…” I had to laugh for a minute afterwards. All hyped, I didn’t leave the class even after it ended but I kept modeling. Another group of students had a 3D lesson afterwards, and after them another one… I had to leave then, since there wasn’t enough computers for all of us. So except for the theory class later that day and a dinner I was modeling most of the day.

And so I was on the Wednesday. The first time this year I skipped a class so I could work on the project instead. The very project this class was about. Again, I was so into modeling I missed another class for 40 minutes. I had to wait for 2 hours to film it since there was no computers left. Until the class finished actually. Now I’m to bring my animation on another day. But not bothering, there’s another project to finish… so I also modeled for the rest of the day.

I brought that simple animation for the motion graphics class, but in general I was working on the one minute project. The guy who is basically in charge for the classroom helped me more than a decent deal about the topology on my character’s head. After that class I went home, did some modeling, and later I went to a small roof party that Erasmus classmates organised. I brought a bottle of Smirnoff and Monster to go with it. I finished the Smirnoff by myself and felt no effect. Only halfway through I noticed it only said 4% of alcohol, so it was a great pleasure answering the question “Did you finish that bottle all by yourself?!” with “Yep!” We went to a club afterwards, and I was riding shotgun on the bike (if that goes for the bikes, too). The downside of the 4% there was that – I have to admit – I was a little bit bored, as I might have been the only sober person around.

On Friday I went to the Dutch Language Course I enrolled. A girl that came about 5 minutes into the class asked the teacher if she can pay the tuition fee the next time and she answered there’s an ATM right around the corner. The girl said “OK I will be back in 10 or 15 minutes” but she never showed up again… Right now I have a hard time learning the combination of letters, as my head wants to pronounce them in German way. Probably with some studying it will get better. After the class I returned home and basically modeled for the rest of the day.

Today is the Saturday and did nothing but model all day. More than ever hour our after our work is never over. The tip on my Wacom pen is getting flat, I’m starting to think about the edge loops as I go to sleep and different ways how to get quads from the triangles and pentagons or change topology in general. I also started to think how I’m going to render this, and how after I’m done modeling I’m gonna need to bind it and look there’s a fairy coming.


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