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Erasmus+ in Berlin

It was an amazing experience,  Berlin is the city full of amazing galleries, cultural places, and artistic venues. through personal visits to workshops and galleries that I had an overview of Berlin’s existing contemporary art scene, Berlin is very lively on every corner, it is just great when you wander around the city.

The Space Berlin e.V. team was open to new ideas and I enjoy completing an internship working as part of an international team with a broad range of responsibilities. working with refugees was an amazing opportunity since I learned a lot from their stories.

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Erasmus + in Italy – 1st

Italy is a really beautiful place with mesmerizing historic sights and stunning seasides especially during summer. I was at Trieste for my Erasmus programme for three months and I enjoyed every part of my mobility period, starting from my arrival, the weather, friendly employees at the institute, location of the institute to the culture. I learnt few words especially with greetings which helped in my day-to-day activities. The mobility contributed to my personal and professional development as I gained a lot from the employees and experiments carried out. I discovered a lot of potential in myself through interactions and shared ideas with people at the institute and outside workplace. It was really worthwhile participating in this programme and not to forget, the OLS programme was interesting and very educative through which I improved in my language skills. Thanks to Erasmus, Italy, the host institute and also to my institution for the opportunity and support. I look forward to another exciting and informative mobility programme. 

Grazie mille!!!!!


What a wonderful experience!!!!!!

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Erasmus+ in Stockholm

Program Erasmus+ mi je omogočil, da sem uspela uresničiti, kar sem si želela. Švedska je bila dežela, kamor sem hotela iti na prakso, in sicer v Stockholm. Tukaj sem torej na izmenjavi z namenom prakse, izkušnje pridobivam v podjetju, ki se ukvarja z distribucija. Življenje tukaj je drugačno kot v Sloveniji ali v Makedoniji, od koder prihajam. Vsi govorijo, da so Švedi zaprti, ampak moj vtis je, da so zelo prijazni in duhoviti. Sem sem prišla v času, ko so maturanti zaključevali šolsko leto, zato sem imela priložnost, da vidim, kako je tukaj, ko končaš srednjo šolo. Stockholm je zanimiv, ker imaš občutek, da je več mest v enem. Espresso house je zanimiv lokal in eden izmed najboljših glede družbe, druženja s kolegi iz šole in kave. Glede nočnega življenja je Stockholm “top”, saj imaš tukaj vsak dan na voljo mnogo krajev, kamor lahko greš, poleg tega je zelo zanimiv njihov After work, kamor lahko po delu greš na kakšno pivo in kakšno igro – meni je bila všeč igra shuffleboard, prvič sem jo igrala tukaj in šlo mi je zelo dobro. To je vse o moji prvi izmenjavi, ampak ne zadnji. Vsi, ki še niste bili na Švedskem, morate iti in preveriti, kaj vse vam ponujajo Švedi.

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Erasmus+ in Zagreb

Erasmus+ program mi je omogočil, da sem štiri mesece preživela v Zagrebu kjer sem opravljala eksperimentalno delo v Laboratoriju za analitiko in tehnologijo vina. Tam sem pod vodstvom mentoric lahko delala z določenimi instrumenti, ki jih pri nas nimamo in tako opravila del raziskovalnega dela. Rezultate, ki sem jih dobila so ključni za nadaljnje delo za pridobitev doktorata.

To je bil moj tretji Erasmus, saj sem že v času študija na 1. in na 2. stopnji bila na Erasmusu, pa vendar se je kar precej razlikoval od ostalih, ker nisem bila toliko v stiku z drugimi Erasmus študenti v Zagrebu. Večino časa sem preživljala s sodelavci na iz laboratorija, v katerem sem opravljala prakso in iz sosednjih laboratorijev. Tako sem imela priložnost, da ves čas pilim tudi znanje hrvaškega jezika.

Zagreb si bom zapolnila po prijaznih sodelavcih, učinkovitem javnem prevozu v Zagrebu in predmestju, času za sproščeno pitje kave z Zagrebu in po skupnih kosilih s sodelavci. S sodelavkami ostajam v stikih in verjamem, da se bomo še večkrat srečale, saj je Zagreb blizu.

Posted in Outgoing students.

Erasmus+ programe in Leiden, Netherlands

I had the wonderful opportunity to take part in the Erasmus+ program at Leiden University in the Netherlands this year.

I found the staff and faculty at the university to be always friendly and helpful, and have been greatly enjoying working on my research within the the Heritage Under Threat program here.

While it has been an extremely inspiring experience to do work with Leiden University, I must say that I have also been greatly enjoying the city of Leiden, and other cities in the Netherlands as well.

It is especially nice to be able to ride a bike anywhere and everywhere with the Dutch people, and while the winter has been cold and wet…the flowers that are coming in to bloom nowadays are quite beautiful.

Another impressive thing I have found in the Netherlands is how multi-cultural it is. You can find a mixture of races and backgrounds in mostly every city, and there are events and shops catering to everyone. The local people seem to be very open-minded and accepting of various cultures, which has been an enjoyable experience for me.

I would recommend the Netherlands to anyone considering the Erasmus+ program or even just for a short holiday, and I look forward to finishing the work I started here!

Posted in Outgoing students.