Summer of 2018, I got an opportunity for a two months internship under the Erasmus+ programme. As global environmental issues, animal liberation and veganism are mostly the core of my artistic expression, I wanted to use this opportunity to learn from an organisation working on these issues. Apart from that, I wanted to learn more about how film-making and activism can be aligned together.
I found and applied for internship at ProVeg Netherlands, a branch of leading international food awareness organisation working across four continents, with a mission of reducing the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040. With a positive encouragement from the dean at School of Arts and support from the International office at the University of Nova Gorica, I started the internship on 13th August, 2018.
In the course of the internship, I helped with film/video-making services required by the organisation as well as worked on a 2 minutes long animation explanatory video titled “5 pros of being ProVeg”. This included pre-production, shooting and editing of the audio-visual materials. I gained hands-on experience by attaining the process while completing tasks appropriate for my skills. I also acquired working experience with the international voluntary organisation and gained knowledge on film production + animation process as well as activism through film. Overall, it was a great learning experience and I am looking forward to more opportunities as such in future.
Finally, I would like to thanks to Erasmus+ programme, International office and School of Arts of University of Nova Gorica for this opportunity and experience.
Sagar Gahatraj