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Ko sem začel iskati primerne univerze, na katere bi lahko odšel kot Erasmus študent, nisem imel namena delati prakse, ampak opraviti kakšen predmet v tujini. Vendar pa mi je sreča obrnila hrbet, saj se dodiplomski programi nikjer, razen v angleško govorečih državah ne izvajajo v angleščini. In ker od tujih jezikov govorim samo angleško, hrvaško, pa tudi Srbi in ostalimi prebivalci bivše države se znam sporazumeti, ne pa tudi nemško, (le zakaj nisem bolj poslušal in sodeloval pri nemščini v srednji šoli), francosko, … sem skoraj obupal nad idejo, da bi šel na izmenjavo preko Erasmusa. Potem pa mi je profesor Darko Veberič predlagal, da bi šel preko Erasmusa na prakso v CERN. Najprej sem ga malo čudno gledal, potem sem dva tedna razmišljal, če si sploh upam iti na takšno institucijo s takrat še ne končanim drugim letnikom fizike. Ampak pustil sem se prepričati in tako sem zdaj tukaj.
Mislim, da vsi veste, kje približno je CERN in kaj se dogaja tukaj. Že zaradi tega, ker so pred kratkim potrdili obstoj Higgsovega bozona in se je dalo brati o tem v vseh medijih. Ampak moram vas razočarati, jaz ne delam prakse v skupini, ki izvaja poskuse na LHC-ju (mogoče ste slišali za ATLAS in CMS, oni so našli higgsa) ampak pri mnogo manjši skupini NA61. In kaj počne ta skupina. V bistvu to kar počnejo tudi drugi. Vzameš en subatomski delec ali pa kar cel atom ga pospešiš skoraj do hitrosti svetlobe in potem usmeriš tarčo tako, da pride do trka in potem opazuješ, kaj se je zgodi ter poskusiš iz tega narediti fiziko. Vmes se pa najdejo še superprevodni magneti, temperature blizu absolutne ničle …

Kot študent bom opravljal ˝shifte˝ (po naše se bi temu reklo izmene), ostali čas pa me bo zaposlenega delal še en projekt, napisati bom moral program, ki bo popravil podatke iz enega izmed mnogih senzorjev, ki merijo trke.

Nastanjen sem v mestu Saint Geniss Poully, in sicer v študentskem domu namenjenem samo za CERN. Do Northen area (CERN je razdeljen na več delov, naša skupina ima prostore na Northen area, ki v celoti leži na francoski strani) vsak dan vozijo ˝shutli˝, to so kombiji s sedeži za več ljudi oz minibusi. Prav tako pa si lahko vsak CERN User izposodi kolo, tako da moj avtomobil bolj ali manj sameva na parkirišču.
Dan se začne okoli 8-9, in konča okoli 17-19, niso pa to fiksni delovni čas. Pomembno je, da narediš to za kar si zadolžen ne pa to kdaj delaš …

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My Best Friend’s Mum

When I was sitting with my best friend’s mum in the restaurant at the beach, looking at my best friend learning how to surf, in the rain and I was eating some vegetable soup that wasn’t the best I’ve ever had but good enough or almost perfect for that moment, I got a revelation. My friend’s mum has something about her. That something invites you to go on about the kind of things that few can meet with understanding. On some strange coincidence or will of destiny, however you like to believe it we came to the subject about lifting our spirits. At exactly that moment it hit me. I finally understood what the whole world is talking about when they say that sport is – strengthening your spirit.

For the past few months I have been doing Yoga. I do it every day, except Mondays. It has become my therapy and every day at around nine till eleven o’clock in the evening, I take time for myself and practice Yoga. I have realized before that rainy day at the beach, when my friend was learning how to surf and I was with her mum in the restaurant, having soup, trying desperately to warm myself up, that I feel much better lately than I used to. Realizing before, that it has something to do with my Yoga practice I could never really define what it was exactly, that was so different. Right there, when we finished that soup and I hit 36 degrees Celsius again, at the moment when the waiter brought the muse de chocolate I finally understood. I have awakened my spirit! That is what it is.

I realize to some people this is not a revelation at all and some have discovered this many years ago or when they were still much younger than I am now. For some of us it’s different. Sometimes we need a lot to get to an epiphany but sometimes we just need a muse de chocolate and an extraordinary person to hear us through.

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Pot na Portugalsko

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