Lepe praznike in srečno novo leto 2011!!
Poleg sprehodov po lepo zasneženi Pragi je v teh mrzlih dneh najlepše posedati na toplem ob kupu knjig in pisati seminarske naloge 🙂
Na shledanou!
University of Nova Gorica
Lepe praznike in srečno novo leto 2011!!
Poleg sprehodov po lepo zasneženi Pragi je v teh mrzlih dneh najlepše posedati na toplem ob kupu knjig in pisati seminarske naloge 🙂
Na shledanou!
Posted in Outgoing students.
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– December 19, 2010
Sva absolventki slovenistike Fakultete za humanistiko UNG na študijski izmenjavi na Karlovi univerzi v Pragi, na Filozofski fakulteti. Tukaj bova dva semestra študirali vzhodnoevropsko književnost, opravili nekaj izpitov iz slovenske književnosti in napisali diplomsko nalogo. Nadaljujeva tudi z učenjem češčine, kar sva z intenzivnim enomesečnim tečajem EILC začeli že poleti v Brnu.
Študijsko in kulturno življenje v velemestni Pragi ponuja številne možnosti, ki jih kar najbolje izkoriščava. Vpisali sva se na različne seminarje, redno hodiva v kino, gledališče, na literarne večere, razstave, koncerte itd. Odvilo se je že kar nekaj zanimivih simpozijev s področja najinega študija.
Najbolje, da to praško življenje v nadaljevanju malo dokumentirava s fotografijami; če pa kdo potrebuje kakršnekoli informacije, nama lahko vedno piše na blog, se bova potrudili z odgovori.
Najprej fotografija glavne stavbe Filozofske fakultete.
Blokovsko naselje v Hostivařu in ujetje sončnega popoldneva v bližnjem parku, ki je eden največjih v Pragi.
Nekaj utrinkov iz centra mesta.
Prednovoletna Praga.
Dve fotografiji z literarnega večera slovenskih pesnikov Primoža Čučnika in Gregorja Podlogarja, ki se je zgodil v kavarni Montmartre sredi Prage.
Lep pozdrav od Ksenije in Petre iz pobeljene Prage.
Ahoj 😉
Posted in Outgoing students.
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– December 11, 2010
Lep pozdrav iz mrzle in zasnežene Prage!
Čas tako hitro teče, skoraj ne moreva verjeti, da sva že 3 mesece tukaj v Pragi. Erasmus izmenjava je res super zadeva, priporočava vsakomur!!!!!! Sicer pa se je v teh treh mesecih najinega bivanja tukaj zgodilo ogromno stvari. Prva dva meseca sta bila res nora, ogromno zabav, druženj, izletov, spoznavanj drugih študentov… Seveda nisva pozabila na fax, imela sva že tudi nekaj kolokvijev, vendar končni izpiti šele pridejo, tako da sva se že začela bolj intenzivno učiti. S predavanji končamo 23. decembra, nato sledijo novoletne počitnice, januar pa je rezerviran za izpite :SSSSS
V tem času sva tudi dodobra spoznala Prago, ki je res čudovito mesto, še posebej sedaj v prazničnem času, vse je okrašeno in osvetljeno, stojnice s kuhanim vinom in klobasami so praktično na vsakem vogalu, tako, da je sprehod skozi mestni center odlična ideja za preživljanje prostega časa.
Mesto Praga šteje približno 1.200.000 prebivalcev kar je za naše pojme ogromno. Center mesta je urejen in zelo lep, drugače pa je v okolišu. Ulice so bolj zanemarjene in umazane, po nekaterih stenah hiš se še vedno opazijo poškodbe od streljanja iz druge svetovne vojne.
Tudi v našem študentskem domu ni vse tako kot bi moralo biti, namreč kar pogosto se zgodi da, v kopalnici ni tople vode, tudi internetna povezava pogosto zataji, gretje sicer deluje dokaj v redu a kaj ko okna ne tesnijo, pa tudi elektrika rada zmanjka. Je pa to še kar normalno, če pogledamo dejstvo da so domovi stari 60 let 😀
Drugače pa so Čehi zanimiv narod, z zanimivimi navadami. Bo pa tudi držalo da so bolj »lene sorte« in ne dajo prav veliko na zunanji izgled.
No, pa da ne bova pisala samo o slabih stvareh. Praga je glede na naše razmere kar poceni mesto (razen centra kjer so cene višje). V lokalih stane 0,5l piva okoli 1,5 €, v supermarketu pa okoli 0,5 €, pa tudi ostale cene so v supermarketih nekoliko nižje kot pri nas. Za študente je glede prehrane najboljša izbira menza, obrok stane okoli 2 €, pa tudi hrana je kar v redu.
Vsako sredo ima naša univerza zabavo za Erasmus študente in sicer country presentation, kjer študentje predstavijo svojo državo . Predstavitev Slovenije je bila 24. novembra in sicer smo imeli predstavitev skupaj z Kitajsko, Indijo, Poljsko in Bolgarijo. Predstavitev izgleda tako, da najprej vsaka država predstavi svoje tipične jedi in pijače (morava se pohvalit, da smo se Slovenci kar potrudili, na predstavitvi smo ponujali domačo potico, pršut, slovensko vino in domači »šnopc« imeli pa smo tudi veliko čokolade Gorenjka), nato pa sledijo predstavitve držav narejene s pomočjo računalniških programov (power point, movie maker). Po končanih predstavitvah sledi glasovanje, kjer lahko vsi navzoči oddajo svoj glas za najboljšo predstavitev večera. Naša predstavitev je občinstvo navdušila, predvsem slike naravnih lepot in raznovrstnost pokrajine. Nekatere izmed njih smo tako navdušili, da že razmišljajo o izletu v Slovenijo. Tistega večera je bila slovenska predstavitev izbrana za najboljšo predstavitev večera (http://praga.veleposlanistvo.si/index.php?id=1742&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=6517&tx_ttnews[backPid]=41&cHash=28290e22e3).
Na žalost sta nama ostala samo še slaba 2 meseca bivanja v Pragi. Že sedaj načrtujeva, da se bova poleti vrnila v Prago za kakšen teden, da obiščeva študente, ki tukaj študirajo dva semestra. Sicer pa je Erasmus študij v Pragi res enkratna izkušnja, ki jo res priporočava vsakomur.
Lep pozdrav iz Prage,
Luka in Ažbe
Posted in Outgoing students.
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– December 10, 2010
Organising Erasmus Intensive Language Courses has become a tradition at the University of Nova Gorica. Thus, for the second time, courses of Slovene were organised for foreign Erasmus students who had decided to spend their Erasmus study period at one of the Slovene universities.
The courses were funded through the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission* and took place between 6th and 24th September 2010 .
The university hosted 28 students from 12 different countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Finland, Germany, Hungary, France, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia.
The courses were carried out on the beginner’s (A1) level, developing all four types of the students’ skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing. The objective of the course was to teach foreign students basic expressions, vocabulary as well as basic grammatical structures of the Slovene language in order to develop the students’ linguistic ability to function in everyday conversational situations in the local environment.
On the first day, the university organised the so-called “Welcome Day”, where the students got all the necessary information about the course programme, extra activities organised, the university and the Nova Gorica region. The students also got the so-called “info packs” containing brochures, maps and other useful materials.
In the mornings, the students were busy with lectures. They had 60 hours of lessons altogether, 4 per day. Besides teaching the students Slovene, the University has a policy to offer the EILC participants the possibility to experience Slovenia in every possible way; from learning about the Slovene culture, history and traditions to encouraging the students to learn about the EILC participant countries by socializing with each other and organising common trips, sports events, parties, etc.
Some of the main extra activities, organised by the University were:
– the trip to the Postojna cave and the Predjama castle
We visited the mysterious Karst region, famous for its underground caves, with the Postojna cave perhaps being the most attractive cave in the world. Visiting the adjacent Predjama castle is a must – an imposing medieval castle, built in the rock face, partly in a cave is an unforgattable experience. And the students also loved to hear the legend about the castle’s most famous inhabitant, the knight named Erasmus (what a coincidence;)). Dinner at a medieval restaurant in Postojna followed.
– the Soča river rafting trip
No comment needed. Fun, fun, fun …
– the trip to Trieste, Sistiana/Duino and Redipuglia
We visited the nearby Italian city of Trieste. The lovely mediterranean town with rich history and attractive architecture charmed us. After exploring the old town and tasting prosciutto and delicious Italian ice cream, we headed to the Miramar castle – a truly wonderful building in a splendid location, with its castle gardens extending towards the rocky coastline. The next stop was Sistiana, a summer beach resort, which offeres more than the sea and sunshine – there’s the coastal “Rilke’s path” which we walked and had the opportunity to enjoy magnificent views of the coastal cliffs, the sea, the lovely Medditerranean flora and the view of the Duino castle, sitting on a clifftop. No wonder why Rilke, the famous Bohemian-Austrian poet (1875 –1926), got the inspiration for his Duino elegies there. The last stop was the Redipuglia military monument, a resting place of the 100,000 soldiers, victims of the First World War. Despite the place’s grim history, this architectural masterpiece and its rich history definitely make this sight worth visiting;
– the traditional “wine tour” – grape picking in the university’s vineyard and wine tasting at the School of Viticulture and Enology of the University of Nova Gorica
We live in a wine-growing region and therefore we offered the students a unique opportunity to learn about wine-making and wine itself. The School of Viticulture and Enology of the University of Nova Gorica hosted the EILC students – first in the university’s vineyard, where the students learned all about grapevines and grape-picking and took part in the traditional process of harvesting. The students enjoyed picking (and also eating, of course) grapes and learning how the grapes are turned into wine. The School of Viticulture and Enology prepared lunch for the hungy grape-pickers at the school’s headquarters in Ajdovščina. After lunch, the lectures of Slovene followed. Then we made a short tour around Ajdovščina, had a delicious ice cream of local production and visited the Roman remains in the old part of the town. Back at the School of Viticulture and Enology, we had a great wine-tasting session, where we learnt all about different types of wine, making wine and serving wine as well. The students’ “sommelier” knowledge about was impressive a the end of the session – they were able to describe each wine sample, define the type of wine and even serve it in the right way! The wine experience continued by driving to Goče, a charming little village, and visiting a small local winery, Cejkotova domačija. Our dinner – old regional traditional dishes were served in a great setting – an old, restored house with a homely atmosphere and a lovely terrace, from where we could admire the view of the hills, covered in vineyards, and the old, still preserved part of the village. Finally, the owner of the winery took us to his centuries-old wine cellar and in the candle light we could relax and listen to his stories and local legends about wine.
– other cultural events (traditional Slovene lunch at the university, watching a Slovene film, visiting the Borela traditional festival in Vrtojba, etc.)
Moreover, this year the University introduced a novelty: in order to help the students learn more about their future professional fields, we organised visits to various institutions, where the students met some experts of their field of study and were able to learn how things are organised in Slovenia.
Thus, the following visits were organised:
– a visit to the local kindergartens in Ajdovščina and Vipava, where
two Finnish students of pre-school education had the opportunity to learn about the system of pre-school education in Slovenia, observe practical activities with children and compare the traditional kindergarten programme to that of the newly-introduced Montessori programme;
– a visit to the laboratories of the School of Environmental Sciences of the University of Nova Gorica, where the students of related sciences got an insight into the research activities performed there, as well as learn about the machines and equipment used (yes, including learning Slovene names of machines, materials, etc.!). The experiment of creating self-cleaning surfaces by the introduction of TiO2 layers was also presented.
The University also offered the students assistance with organising private trips and we are glad that the students took advantage of the opportunities to visit different places or oganise different events – trips to Bled, the Slovene coast, the Soča valley, Venice, a day on the beach in the resort of Grado, a shopping trip to Palmanova, volleyball and football tournaments, parties at the local clubs etc.
We are glad to confirm that all the EILC students have successfully completed the course of Slovene and received an official certificate with the assigned ECTS. We sincerely hope the knowledge gained will help them in the future.
Moreover, we are happy to hear that the students are still in touch with each other and that long-lasting friendships have been formed. We are looking forward to hearing about the students’ reunions and hoping that you are enjoying your Erasmus period in Slovenia.
If you are a foreign student planning to spend your Erasmus period in Slovenia, we warmly recommend you to attend a free EILC course of Slovene at the University of Nova Gorica.
Click for more info
*Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use of the information contained therein.
Posted in Incoming students.
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– October 22, 2010
In September 2009, the University of Nova Gorica organised an Erasmus intensive language course (EILC) for the first time (read the report here). Many long-term friendships have been formed and the students still meet each other frequently- privately, or at the so-called “EILC reunions” which they organise. This summer, the students came up with an idea to meet each other in an country, other from Slovenia, for the first time. They chose the beautiful city of Brno in the Czech Republic, because of its convenient location – in the middle of Europe, easily accessible to most of the ex-EILC 2009 students. Besides that, Brno is an attractive city and our Czech students who live and study in Brno volunteered to be our guides. In other words – an opportunity not to be missed. The students also invited me (EILC coordinator) and their teacher of Slovene to join them. Of ocurse we accepted their invitation and here’s the report from Brno!
Brno, Czech Republic, late August 2010
We made it! After deciding on the most convenient date for this reunion for a while, we decided for a weekend in late August. The following people met in Brno: the Czech students Tereza P., Jindra, Petr and Veronika; Justyna, Zuza and Kamil from Poland, Máté from Hungary; Marcus, Rüdi and Tim from Germany, plus Jana, Violeta and me (the Slovene group).
We spent an unforgettable weekend in Brno. The weather was great, we had enough time to spend with each other and to socialise, as well as enough time to explore the city and some other places.
Thanks to Tereza, Jindra and the rest of our Czech students we made the most of our trip and explored Brno in details. We were all amazed to realise how beautiful the city is! Its old part of the town is unbelievably well-preserved and renovated (or under renovation). The typical central-European architectural style from the turn of the 19th century is truly impressive, especially at the Náměstí Svobody (the “Freedom Square”). The old streets are cute as well. And not to talk about the Špilberk Castle above the old town, the St. Peter and Paul cathedral …
We had the opportunity to enjoy the Czech cuisine as well, both at traditional restaurants/inns as well as delicios home-made bramboráki (potato pancakes), prepared by Tereza, Petr and Veronika – our Czech “chefs”. No need to mention the Czech beer … and the unexpected meeting about which you can read here.
We also visited Moravski kras, a karstic region with interesting underground caves:
All of us agree that the EILC reunion in Brno was a great event. Dear students, thanks a lot for organising it and inviting us as well! I feel sorry for those who couldn’t make it to Brno this time, but I’m sure we’ll see each other soon. Your idea about the next EILC revival in Istanbul is absolutely brilliant!
Posted in Incoming students.
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– October 20, 2010